Isolation 1
A series of workouts to help you through Isolation with an idea for the kids.
Kids idea…
Little ones- Charlie and the numbers is a great program for them.
Big ones- Sticker books, if not then draw a massive squiggle and get them to colour in all the sections.
Now time to crack on!
Warm up-
Complete each exercise for half the reps and repeat twice.
Ok now set a timer for 20 Minutes, complete one exercise followed by the other and do as many rounds a possible in the 20 minutes. Keep track of how many you completed and let me know!
20 Bodyweight Squats
10 Press ups (start in on toes position, lower, release hands, push back up, use knees to help if needed)
40 Skips / Pretend and count to 60 is fine
30 sec jog on the spot
30 sec march with arms back and forth
Full body stretches