A Split Routine To Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy At Home
Ok so this is a 6 day split with abs too. This is the easiest way you can use your equiptment without loads of changing weights.
I will prescribe each one of you what you should do in regards to the split over the week.
Each workout is to be done each day but abs can be done on the same day as another workout.
I cannot advise enough to get outside and get your cardio in that way, this is more strength so until the government tells us otherwise use the great outdoors for your cardio, run, swim in the sea or simply walk but we must get fresh air!
Any questions just shout, stay healthy guys, so much love xxxx
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
Squats BB/ Weight at chest (work on depth)
Deadlifts (elevate your heels if you can) If you don’t have a heavy enough weight aim for more reps until you rep out.
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 15kg / 20kg/25kg- pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
4 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
15 Weight on back or resting on shoulders Wide Leg Squats
15 Weight on back or resting on shoulders Front Lunges (each leg)
30 Air Squats (no weight)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
Count to 100 each leg, one leg at a time Swing Lunges (no weight)
100 Jump Squats
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
Press ups (hand release at bottom)/ clap press ups
Bench chest press DB/BB from floor is fine if needed just add 2 second pause at bottom
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 10kg / 15kg/20kg- pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
4 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
15 Shoulder Press
20 Snatch (if one arm with db, go heavier and count to 20 swapping arms each rep)
20 Tricep Dips (elevate feet if too easy)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
4 sets 20 Narrow grip chest press (keep elbows in)/ Tricep press ups
100 Tricep Kickbacks
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
1 Leg deadlift 1DB , slow and hips facing down, hold on if needed (each leg)
RDL (elevate your heels if you can) If you don’t have a heavy enough weight aim for more reps until you rep out
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 15kg / 20kg/25kg- pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
4 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
20 Weights by sides split lunge, each leg (elevate one leg on chair). If balance is bad just split legs and squat with BB on back or on shoulders
15 Weight on back or resting on shoulders Wide Leg Squats, low and pulse for 3 at the bottom
50 in out Jumps, nice and low no weight, hands on back of head
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
100 Hip Bridges (weight on pelvis)
100 Curtsy Lunges, each leg
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
standing 2 arm Bent Over row
Y/I Raise (if only have bar do bent over front raise)
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 10kg / 15kg / 20kg pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
4 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
10 Lying straight arm pullover
15-20 Up row
20 Power overhead press, count to 3 on way down (so use legs to drive up)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
100 Plank shoulder taps (one tap =1 rep) rest when needed
100 Bicep curls, heavy as poss take rest as needed
Simple Sets 5 Sets 15-20
Each Leg 1 Leg Hip Thrusts, each leg (1 leg on chair, one leg up in air so hips elevated, down to floor and up, weight resting on pelvis)
Side Lunge (weight on shoulders)
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 15kg / 20kg/25kg- pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
3 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
20 Frog Jumps (feet together, toes out, all way down explode up) unweighted
15 Back Lunges, each side
30 Straight leg deadlift, not all way to the floor to keep tension in glutes, legs hip width apart, knees soft
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 3 rounds
100 Donkey Kicks (each leg)
100 Fire Hydrant (each leg)
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
Shoulder Press
Seated Lat Raises
One Weight Tri Sets Barbell or DB’S (set the bar/ bar’s to one weight for all exercises, Total weight = 10kg / 15kg/20kg- pick as heavy as you can scale over head or is challenging)
4 Rounds, no rest until end of all exercises but take breather if needed
15 Power Press
15 Arnold press or curl to press if bar only
20 Cleans from thighs
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
4 sets 15
Standing Lat Raises
Superset with
Front Raises
3 rounds
20 Around the worlds / Pull front raise to above head if bar
40 Weighted punches (one punch = 1 rep)
Take rest as needed
100 Ab Curls
100 Heel Taps
100 Leg Lowering
3 Minute Superman holds