Isolation 3
A series of workouts to help you through Isolation with an idea for the kids.
This is an intermediate workout and not for members with Diastasis Recti.
Kids idea…
Little ones- Pots and Pans!
Big ones- Tidy bedroom first 10 minutes (watch them find old toys to play with) then iPad for reward for the next 10 minutes.
All set?
Warm up-
10 Walk out
10 Plank Shoulder taps
30 Skips
Main session, complete both workouts-
Workout 1.
Set a timer for 10 minutes
As many rounds as possible in this time, keep a tally.
10 High plank press up (start in plank on hands, lower to floor, release hands, push back up using knees if needed, core engaged, back strong)
20 Squats
8 Burpees
Workout 2.
Set a timer for 10 minutes
As many rounds as possible in this time, keep a tally.
20 Long Jumps
20 Plank Shoulder taps (asking as you can keep core engaged, rest and reset if you loose it)
60 Skips
Same as warm up x 2 rounds with 3 minute jog on the spot gradually going into a march shaking off your arms.
Full body stretches