Strength and Running 1 Hour, 4 Per Week
4 Sets Front Squat- Heaviest weight rep out
100 Reps Hip Thrusts-Heaviest weight, rest when needed, on heels
3 Sets 20 Front Rotational Lunge, weight on back, take front leg to 2/11pm (10 each leg, one leg at a time)
3 Sets 20 Side Lunge, Weight on back, Go on heel to get depth, (10 each leg, one leg at a time)
2 sets 30 Superset
Sumo Squat
Narrow Squats (weight by side)
Easy 5k, Time it to keep a record
4 Sets Pull Ups with band, as many reps as can each set
4 Sets Shoulder Press, rep out each set, set bar 15/20
3 Sets 20
Seated Lat Raises (using 2.5kg plates)
Superset With
Underhand Front Raise
Snatch 3 Sets 15-20
Interval Run- Jog to Victoria terrace,(or a massive hill) get to viaduct run all the way upto the top- Victoria terrace 6-8 Times
4 Sets Romanian Deadlift, keep tension in glutes and go till you cant do any more on each set
4 Sets 20 Back Lunges (10 each side, one side at a time) knee to floor, weight on back
3 Sets 20 Walking Lunges, Resistance band overhead and pull it apart
3 Sets 15 Goblet Squat, Resistance band overhead and pull it apart
15 Minute Times AMRAP
10 Clean to Press
15 Jump Lunges
30 Plank Swims (15 each arm, alternative)
20 Side Step up, one leg at a time, 10 each leg
50 Skips
10 Reverse snow angels
4 Sets rep out- Press ups using Parallel bars- to get deeper, standing
4 Sets rep out- Bent over row
3 Sets 20
Bent over Y/I Raise
Superset With
Seated Lat Riases
Cleans 3 Sets 15-20
Power Interval
5 Min Warm up
20 Seconds at 100%
30 Seconds at 60-70%
20 Minutes or about 22 rounds total of intervals