5 Day Split Routine Foucusing on Legs, Glutes & Shoulders
So if the main goal is improving Muscle mass/ toning you want to be training as much as you can with all the rest you need to allow your muscles to recover and grown. This 6 Day split works on creating that hourglass figure, aiming to build glutes and shoulders!
5 Sets 15
Superset With
1 Leg RDL
4 Sets 20
Wide Leg Squats (2 second pulse bottom)
Superset With
10 Front Lunges (weight on shoulders, knee touch floor)
Straight into 10 Jump Lunges
3 Sets
20 Weighted Goblet Squat
16 Swing Lunges (weights side) 8 each side
10 Weighted Squat Jumps
10 Weighted Squat Jumps
16 Swing Lunges (weights side) 8 each side
20 Weighted Goblet Squat
6 Sets 15
Press Ups, 2 Second pause near bottom
Superset with
Prone Fly on inclined bench or ball (Squeeze at back)
4 Sets
20 Inclined Chest Press
Superset With
15 Chest fly
4 Sets
20 Bent Over row, facedown on bench if poss
Superset With
15 Curl to Arnold Press
5 Sets
10-15 Tricep Dips
10-15 Seated Lat Raises
10-15 Underhand Front Raise
10 Bicep curl
5 Sets 15
Staggered Straight Leg Deadlift
Superset With
Split Lunge
4 Sets 20
Front Squat
Superset With
DB Swing
3 Sets
20 Hip Bridge, feet elevated, heels dig in and weight on pelvis
15 Curtsy Lunge (15 each leg)
10 1 Leg RDL (10 each side)
10 1 Leg RDL (10 each side)
15 Curtsy Lunge (15 each leg)
20 Hip Bridge, feet elevated, heels dig in and weight on pelvis
6 Sets, 8-12
Pull Ups
6 Sets, 8-12
Inclined Chest Fly
Superset With
4 sets 15-20
Seated Shoulder Press
Superset With
1 Arm bench Resting Fister
5 Sets
10-15 Press ups, fast
10-15 Seated Lat Raises
10-15 Partial Lat raises
10 Front Raise, out sides and down
Lower Glutes & Shoulders
5 Sets
20 In out Jumps
20 Groiners
20 Side Leg Step Ups (each leg)
15 Squats
5 Sets
30 Lat Raises
30 Front Raises
10 Chin Ups
10 Dips
5 Sets
10 Long Jumps
15 Arnold Press
20 Walking Lunges (push leg out)
30 Hip Thrusts
20 Partial Lat Raises