New 5 Day Gym Routine
So if the main goal is improving Muscle mass/ toning you want to be training as much as you can with all the rest you need to allow your muscles to recover and grown. This 6 Day split works on creating that hourglass figure, aiming to build glutes and shoulders!
Legs- Pull
8 Sets 15
Hip Thrusts
4 Sets 20
Wide Leg Deadlifts
Superset With
Swing Lunges (10 each side)
5 sets 15
Wide Leg Squats (2 Second Pulse At Bottom)
Superset With
Kettlebell Swing
5 Minutes 1 Minute per exercise
In Out Jumps
BB Curtsy Right leg
Hip Thrusts (weighted)
BB Curtsy left leg
High Jumps all the way down
Burnouts 3 Rounds 25 on each (Start Heavy and drop as needed)
Upper- Chest & Tri
8 Sets 15
Chest Press inclined
Superset with
2 Second negative Pressups
4 Sets 20
Chest Fly
Superset With
Shoulder Press
5 sets 15
Seated Lat Raises
Superset With
Arnold Press
5 Minutes 1 Minute per exercise
Tricep Dips
Tricep Kickback
L Raise
Press Ups
Alternate Shoulder Press
Lower- Push
8 Sets 15
Squats (2 Second Pause at Bottom) BB
Front Lunges (knee to floor) BB
4 Sets 20
High Box Jumps
Superset With
Goblet Squat
5 sets 15
Wide Leg Squats (2 Second Pulse At Bottom)
Superset With
Sissy/ Narrow Squat
5 Minutes 1 Minute per exercise
Jump Squats
Alternate front lunges BB
High Box alternate step ups
Hip Thrusts
KB Swings
1000 Skips for calf’s
UPPER - Back & Bi
8 Sets 15
Renegade row , alternate arms count to 15
Superset With
Bent Over Rows
100 Deadlifts- Rest as needed
5 sets 15
Front Raises- all the way up, controlled and slow back down
Superset With
Y/I/T Raise
4 Minutes 1 Minute per exercise
Lat Raises
Alternate 1 Arm row
Back Extension
Front raise, one front, one slightly out to the sides
Lower Glutes
5 Sets 20
Squat into Curtsy Lunges, stay low (10 each leg)
Superset with
Walking Lunges, Pulse at bottom and take foot out to side slightly
4 Sets 20
Superset With
High leg step up, keep one foot on, one leg at a time and use DB’S
5 sets 15
Weighted Frog Pumps
Superset With
Weighted donkey
5 Minutes 1 Minute per exercise
Wide leg straight leg deadlifts
Side Kicks left leg
Low Squat Cursty
Side Kicks right
Wide Leg Jump Squats