Brand New Baby, Brand New Workout

The weights are just suggested, ensure you use a weight that is right for you to achieve the exercise with perfect form.

Complete all workouts, having at least 2 rest days a week then start from workout 1 again.

Workout 1 PUSH

5 Minute Warm Up

20 Cross Jabs

10 Body Weight Squats

30 Seconds Jogging on the spot

x 4

Part 1

Set a timer for 10 Minutes and complete as many rounds as possible taking rest when needed.

10 Lying Chest Press, Pause at the bottom for 2 seconds 8/12kg DB’s.

10 Weights on Shoulders Squats, try and go as low as 2 packs nappies stacked on top of each other. 12kg DB’S

10 Seated Shoulder Press. 8kg DB's. If back arches do alternate left,right, left, right

10 Front Lunges, Weights by your side. 12kg DB’s

Part 2

Set a timer for 10 Minutes and complete as many rounds as possible taking rest when needed.

10 Thrusters (Squat driving into shoulder Press) 8Kg DB’s.

5 Walk hands from feet into plank, ensure core is engaged , pulling it in tight.

8 Nappy Changer (Start on knees, get up using only knees to standing) alternate the legs each rep

10 Press Ups on Knees, ensure you are engaging your core, pulling it in tight.

Part 3- Abs

Imagine Hugging your baby when you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in

  1. On all 4’s, opposite arm and leg out straight, hold for 10 seconds each side. Repeat 5-7 x each side

  2. In a sit up position engage your core, as your upper back lifts up slide your hands up your legs, hold just above the knee and hold for 5 seconds and slowly reverse. NO DOMING SHOULD OCCUR, IF IT DOES DO NOT DO THIS. Repeat 10 times

  3. Daily Pelvic Floor 3 x per day!

    • Lie/ sit/ stand with your feet slightly apart.

    • Draw up and tighten the muscles around your back passage and hold, then take the feeling around the front, lifting up through the vagina.

    • For slow contractions hold for a count to six, release with control, repeat for 10 reps.

    • For fast contractions hold for a count to one, release with control, repeat for 10.

Workout 2 PULL

5 Minute Warm Up

20 Side Step Touch Down

10 Wide Leg Squats

5 Press Ups

x 4

Part 1

Set a timer for 10 Minutes and complete as many rounds as possible taking rest when needed.

10 1 Arm Bent Over Row 12-15kg DB.

10 Romanian Deadlifts 15kg DB’S

10 Straight Arm Pullover

10 Wide Leg Squats, as low as 2 packs nappies, DB’s on Shoulders 12-15kg’s

Part 2

Set a timer for 10 Minutes and complete as many rounds as possible taking rest when needed.

10 Half Plank renegade Row, 5 each arm 8kg DB’s

10 1 Arm Muscle Snatch, 5 each arm 8kg DB’s

10 Bent Over Row Narrow to wide at top and 1 second squeeze 8-10kg’s DB’S

10 Swing Lunges, weight in one arm swing other leg then swap sides, 5 each side 8-10kg DB’s

Part 3- Abs

Imagine Hugging your baby when you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in

  1. Deadbug Hollow Hold 10-20 Second repeat x 5

  2. Lying Superman Hold, 10-20 second hold repeat x 5

  3. Daily Pelvic Floor 3 x per day!

    • Lie/ sit/ stand with your feet slightly apart.

    • Draw up and tighten the muscles around your back passage and hold, then take the feeling around the front, lifting up through the vagina.

    • For slow contractions hold for a count to six, release with control, repeat for 10 reps.

    • For fast contractions hold for a count to one, release with control, repeat for 10.

Workout 3 PUSH

5 Minute Warm Up

20 Cross Jabs

10 Body Weight Squats

30 Seconds Jogging on the spot

x 4

Part 1

Do 3 Rounds of the circuit

8 Hand Release Press Ups

15 KB Goblet Squat

10 Each Side Back Lunge to Shoulder Press

10 Overhead Squat, 1 8kg DB

Part 2

Do 3 Rounds of the circuit

10 Small Frog Jumps

8 Curl to Press to slow reverse front raise 8kg DB’s

10 Side Crab Squat KB

10 Broken down Burpees

Part 3- Abs

Imagine Hugging your baby when you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in

  1. On all 4’s, opposite arm and leg out straight, hold for 10 seconds each side. Repeat 5-7 x each side

  2. In a sit up position engage your core, as your upper back lifts up slide your hands up your legs, hold just above the knee and hold for 5 seconds and slowly reverse. NO DOMING SHOULD OCCUR, IF IT DOES DO NOT DO THIS.  Repeat 10 times

  3. Daily Pelvic Floor 3 x per day!

    • Lie/ sit/ stand with your feet slightly apart.

    • Draw up and tighten the muscles around your back passage and hold, then take the feeling around the front, lifting up through the vagina.

    • For slow contractions hold for a count to six, release with control, repeat for 10 reps.

    • For fast contractions hold for a count to one, release with control, repeat for 10.

Workout 4 PULL

5 Minute Warm Up

15 Wide Leg Squats, Tiny Jump

20 Half Plank Taps

5 Broken down Burpees

x 4

Part 1

Do 3 Rounds of the Workout

30 Hip Bridge 15kg D’B

20 1 Up Row wide squat

20 1 Leg Deadlift 12-15kg DB

15 Kettlebell Swings

Part 2

Do 3 Rounds

15 Wide Leg Squat With Front Raise 10kg Total

15 Small in out jumps

15 1 Arm Clean

15 Narrow Squats

20 Walking Lunge

Part 3- Abs

Imagine Hugging your baby when you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in

  1. Deadbug Hollow Hold 10-20 Second repeat x 5

  2. Lying Superman Hold, 10-20 second hold repeat x 5

  3. Daily Pelvic Floor 3 x per day!

    • Lie/ sit/ stand with your feet slightly apart.

    • Draw up and tighten the muscles around your back passage and hold, then take the feeling around the front, lifting up through the vagina.

    • For slow contractions hold for a count to six, release with control, repeat for 10 reps.

    • For fast contractions hold for a count to one, release with control, repeat for 10.