Please do not do this workout is Diastasis Recti is present, you ALSO must be at least 6 months Postpartum.

7 Minute Gradual Warm up and stretch.

10 reps of all

Then 20 Reps of all

Then 30 Reps of all

  1. Press ups

  2. Chest Press

  3. Tricep Dip

  1. Burpees

  2. KB Swing

  3. Wall Ball/ Ball Slams

  1. Dragon Row

  2. 2 Arm Row

  3. Lat to Front Raise (one of each is one rep)

  1. Cleans

  2. 1 Arm Snatch

  3. Planks Swims

  1. Weighted Squats

  2. RDL

  3. Split Lunge

  1. In Out Jumps

  2. Sprints

  3. KB Swing

5 Minute Gradual Stretch and Cooldown