3/4 Day Split Routine with HIIT Cardio

So this is three full body workouts with an extra glutes and shoulders day as an added extra if you have time.

Sets is the amount of times you perform the reps for example 3 sets of 12 reps you would perform 12 reps, rest for as much time as stated, repeat 12 reps, rest, repeat. Sometimes you may do more or less sets and the reps will change for each set, for example 5 sets 10,12,15,20,15. This is only 5 sets but you change the weight for each set. If the reps DECREASE you would add weight to meet that rep goal, if the reps INCREASE you would reduce the weight to meet the goal rep. You may also see a rep range so 12-15 reps, this means reach between the two…if you pass the higher rep try and increase the weight. If you don’t meet the lower rep of the range.

What weight do I pick?

You need to pick a weight which you are reaching fatigue on the final rep, so for example you may have 3 sets of 12- 15 then on rep 12,13,14,or 15 you need to not be able to do anymore without good form.

As a guide you will probably lift about half the weight for upper body as you could lower body, this is a really really rough guide, some exercises will be harder than others so just take your time and try and work upto a weight on each exercise thats comfortable for the rep range. Once you know your weights jot them down, this is the weight you need to try and beat!

I have put a guide weight near each exercise to try.

You will need to take enough rest you can achieve the reps for the next set.

If you can do a few reps at a heavier weight, do that and then drop the weight to continue for set reps.

The tempo is nice and slow to feel it in the muscles you are using.

How do I warm up?

For each exercise start at a much lighter weight and do 5 reps for 2-3 sets, increasing the weight closer to the actual weight you will use in the second set. Stretch and your ready to go. You might find after the first 4/5 exercises you are warm enough to then stop the warm up sets.


DB= Dumbell

KB= Kettlebell

BB= Barbell

Superset= Do one exercise followed immedianlty by the one below, rest, repeat


Workout 1

4 sets 20 each side use leg weights if poss

Donkey Kick

Superset with

Fire Hydrant

4 Sets 10,10,8,8 9 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

1 Arm DB Row (One knee, one hand on bench, back like a table top) GW= 15kg+

BB Hip Thrusts(Bra strap on bench, spine all inline) GW= 30KG+

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

BB on Back Curtsy Lunge (12-15 each leg, one leg at a time) GW= 20kg+

Superset With

DB Y/I Bent over raise GW= 5kg+

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

DB/ KB Up Row GW= Total 10kg+

Superset With

BB on Back Back Lunges Lunge (12-15 each leg, one leg at a time) GW= 20kg+

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

BB Underhand Bent over row GW= 20kg+

Superset With

DB Romanian deadlift GW= Total weight 30kg+

HITT To be done after weights or at a separate time

3 Rounds for time

40 Seconds Air bike/ Burpees

10 Mountain Climber Kick Through

10 Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Pulse Pulse Jump Squat (pulse in low)

Workout 2

4 Sets 15,15,10,10 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

BB Squats GW= 25kg+

DB Chest Press GW= TOTAL 20kg Use Barbell if spotted for more stability

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

Wide Leg Squat GW= 25kg+

Superset With

Seated DB Shoulder Press GW= 5kg+ DB’s, 10KG TOTAL

3 Sets 12-15  (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

Seated DB Lateral Raises GW= 4kg+ DB’s, 8 TOTAL

Superset With

High Bench Step Ups, weights by side, one leg at a time, reps each leg GW= 8kg + DB’s, 16 TOTAL

HITT To be done after weights or at a separate time

10 Minute Timer As many rounds as possible

10 DB Thruster (Squat driving into shoulder press)

10 In Out Jumps

10 Standing Lateral Raises GW= 4kg+ DB’s, 8 TOTAL

Workout 3

4 Sets 15,15,10,10 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)


DB Inclined Bench Facedown Row GW=10kg DB’S + TOTAL 20kg

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

BB Hip Thrusts GW= 30kg+

Superset With

Lying Bench DB Straight Arm Pullover GW= 1 X 10kg DB +

3 Sets 12-15  (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

Standing Against Wall Alternate Front Raises GW= 6kg+ DB’s, 12 TOTAL

Superset With

Straight Leg Deadlifts (Hinge at hips, back straight, knees soft to feel in glutes) GW= 50kg+ ENSURE YOU BUILD UP GRADUALLY AS ALWAYS

3 Sets 20

KB Swings

HITT To be done after weights or at a separate time

3 Sets For Time

30 Seconds Bike/ Skips

7 Arnold Shoulder Press GW= 8kg DB’S TOTAL 16

10 Swing Lunges (5 each side)

5 Hand Release Press Ups

Workout 4

4 Sets 15,15,10,10 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

Seated DB Lateral Raises GW= 4kg+ DB’s, 8 TOTAL

BB Military Press GW= TOTAL 10kg +

3 Sets 12-15 (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

DB Narrow Grip Chest Press GW= 8kg DB’s+ TOTAL 16kg

Superset With

DB Narrow Grip Bent Over Row GW= 8kg DB’s+ TOTAL 16kg

3 Sets 12-15  (60-90 seconds rest between sets)

DB Thrusters GW= 10kg+ DB’s TOTAL 20kg

1 Arm Wide Squat Up Row DB’s GW= 10kg DB , reps each arm

HITT To be done after weights or at a separate time

5 Rounds For Time

1 Minute Bike Flat out

10 Bicep Curl

10 Tricep Dips