An Interesting Home Workout
How many rounds can you complete in the time for each workout?
Warm up-
40 Skips
20 Spotty Dogs
10 Jumping jacks
X 5
*If you dont have stairs do high arms and high knees and count to 15 OR make it harder and do 4 Burpees.
Workout 1, 15 minute timer…
AFTER EVERY EXERCISE run up the stairs twice. BE CAREFUL
10 Jump Squats
6 Walk Out
4 Hand Release Press ups
6 Jump Lunges
10 Mountain Climbers
Workout 2, 15 minute timer, tally the rounds you achieve-
20 Wide Leg Squats
15 Tricep Dips
10 Side Jumps
15 Press Ups (knees is fine)
20 Plank Taps
Workout 3, 5 minute timer, tally those rounds-
5 Burpees
6 Crunch/ Sit ups- 2 to side, 2 middle, 2 to side
5 Groiners (Legs wide in plank, bend knees to jump in)
Ten minutes of a quick tidy to come to a gradual stop then stretch.