A More Demanding Split Routine To At Home
Ok so this is a 6 day split with abs too. This is the easiest way you can use your equiptment without loads of changing weights.
I will prescribe each one of you what you should do in regards to the split over the week.
Each workout is to be done each day but abs can be done on the same day as another workout.
I cannot advise enough to get outside and get your cardio in that way, this is more strength so until the government tells us otherwise use the great outdoors for your cardio, run, swim in the sea or simply walk but we must get fresh air!
Any questions just shout, stay healthy guys, so much love xxxx
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
Squats 2 Second Pulse At Bottom
Front Lunges (one leg at a time) BB on Back
Tri sets
First 2 sets heavier weights to suit 15 Reps, second 2 sets drop weight for 20 reps
Split Squat
Front Squat (BB Resting in elbows)
Weighted Wide Leg Jump Squats (weight held at chest)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for the 4 rounds
Finishers 3 sets 50
Alternate Back Lunges (Weight on shoulders)
Narrow Squats (weight on shoulders)
Simple Sets 5 Sets 6-8
Press ups (hand release at bottom)/ clap press ups
Pyramid 5 Sets Total- 15,20,30,15,20
Chest Press
Superset With
Chest Fly
4 Rounds, First 2 sets 15 Reps, Second 2 sets reduce weight for 20 Reps
Military Press
Seated Lat Raises
Seated Arnold Press
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
3 Sets 50
Narrow grip chest press (keep elbows in)/ Tricep press ups
Tricep Kickbacks
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
1 Leg Weighted Hip Thrusts (other leg elevated, each leg)
1 Leg RDL (elevate your heels if you can, each leg)
3 Rounds 100 Reps Per Exercise
Hip Thrusts
Weighted Curtsy Lunges (one leg= 1 rep)
Crab Walks (weight at chest, one step = 1 rep, sit low in squat)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 3 rounds
3 Sets 50
In out Jumps
Donkey Kick to Fire Hydrant (25 each leg)
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
1 Arm Row (reps each side, 3 second pause and pulse at bottom)
Power overhead press, count to 3 on way down (so use legs to drive up)
Pyramid 5 Sets Total- 15,20,30,15,20
Y'/I/T Riase
Superset With
2 Arm Bent Over Row
4 Rounds, First 2 sets 15 Reps, Second 2 sets reduce weight for 20 Reps
Straight Arm Pullover
Up Row
1 Arm Snatch (reps for each side)
upto 2 Minutes rest, repeat for 4 rounds
3 Sets 50
Plank shoulder taps (one tap =1 rep) rest when needed
Bicep curls, heavy as poss take rest as needed
Simple Sets 5 Sets 15-20
1 Leg high step up (weights by sides/ on shoulders, keep one leg on at all times)
Wide Leg Squats (Toes pointing out)
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes, tally it up.
50 Hip Thrusts
20 Long Jumps
30 Goblet Squats
Finishers 3 Sets 50 Reps
Donkey Kick
Superset With
Fire Hydrant
Simple Sets 5 Sets 8-10
Shoulder Press
Seated Lat Raises
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes, tally it up.
20 Front Raise
20 Lat Raises
50 Shoulder Press
3 rounds
20 Around the worlds / Pull front raise to above head if bar
40 Cross body Front Raise
As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes, Tally it up
Take rest as needed
30 Ab Curls
30 Russian Twists
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Mountain Climbers (nice and slow)