Timed to perfection

Need- Skipping Rope, 2 Weight Plates

Warm up- 5 Minutes

3 minutes skip

1 Minute Walkout with Press up

1 Walking Lunge

AMRAP- 15 Minutes (As many rounds as possible)

100 Skips

5 Burpess

10 Plate Clean to overhead

5 Strict Press

10 Plate Squats

EMOM - 12 Minutes (Every Minute on the Minute

5 Thrusters

20 Sec Handstand Hold

Burnout Chipper- 15 Minute Cap - One partner has heavier weight then swap, flip a coin for who starts, both do all of it heavier

30 Burpess

30 Long Jump

20 Hand Release Press ups

20 Plate Squats

10 Ball Slams

10 Jump Squats


10 Burpees

10 Long Jump

20 Hand Release Press ups

20 Plate Squats

30 Ball Slams

30 Jump Squats