Another Pre Natal Gym Workout T1 & 2


Begin your warm up with 10 minutes on a treadmill just slowly walking turning into a comfortable brisk walk, reverse this for your cool down after.

For the weights warm up follow recommended reps on the individual exercises but using a lighter weight than you plan to use for your main session. Work at a steady pace and if you feel its a strain during warm up, opt for a lighter weight. You should aim for 1-2 warm up sets per exercise.


Use a weight that is comfortable for you, if you are achieving past the rep range try and increase the weight (as long as you keep good form), if you don't meet the reps, drop the weight. You should NEVER rep out, just reach the point to near fatigue, when you still have 2-3 reps left in the tank at the end of each set.

After each set take 40-160 seconds rest or enough rest to achieve the reps in the next set, if you need more than this then of course do!

It is important to ensure you exhale on the effort, DO NOT hold your breath or compromise your form for anything and ensure correct posture which can be found HERE.

You should slowly and carefully move around while training, particularly when going from seated/laying to standing. Do not lie on your back, always go for an inclined/ seated or standing position.

You can find exercise guidelines HERE to ensure correct posture, if you are uncertain you can always contact me HERE.

Try and rest 48hrs between each session.

Throughout your PHBP journey we ask you to follow what your body is telling you, only do what you feel comfortable with, if it doesn't feel right then its normally a sign its not right for you. This is not to say you shouldn't be working out or making healthy changes to your lifestyle, we just need to ensure we are making the ones that are right for you, your body and your baby.


3 Sets 20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Leg press

  2. DB Inclined bench Chest Press

4 Sets

Set 1 20, Set 2 20, Set 3 15, Set 4 15 Reps

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Squats

  2. Military Press

3 Sets 15 TRI SET

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Front Raise

  2. Lat Raises

  3. Straight arm pushdown

4 Sets 12-15

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Up Row

  2. Bicep Curl to press DB


3 Sets 15

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Back Lunges (smith machine or chest by sides, use wall for support if needed)

  2. 1 Arm Bent over Row, Kneeling on bench

4 Sets 15-20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Lat Pull Down

  2. Leg Press

3 Sets 12-15

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Front then Lat raise (with cable low)

  2. Cable Squats wide leg or DB if you cant balance

3 Sets 20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Seated Arnold Press

  2. Glute Thrusts, NO WEIGHT can use band


3 Sets 15-20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Leg Extension

  2. Hamstring Curl Seated

3 Sets 15-20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Chest Press

  2. Straight arm pushdown in to Facepull, rope attachment

4 Sets 10-12

(Exercise 1. followed by 2. for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Seated Row (Cable might be better with bump)

  2. Standing/ Seated Chest Press

3 Sets 20

(Exercise 1. followed by 2 then 3, for set 1 rest, then repeat for second set and so on)

  1. Squats

  2. Wide Leg Squat with Up row, cable might be better for bump or 1 arm kettlebell

  3. Tricep Dips on bench, knees bent so not much pressure on pelvis