The Binge/ Starve Cycle

The binge starve cycle is not a good cycle to be in.

So  your eating healthy for you and your baby eating a little more than you would normally as your pregnancy progresses 5 days a week, then you think you have been good all week and go nuts on a weekend, over consuming calories and having a binge!

Restricting calories when pregnant is not advised but you should be aiming for a healthy balanced diet that supports you every day and the growth of your baby so the more balanced each day and overall you can be the better. For your energy levels, blood sugar levels and your mindset. So just be aware of the binge/ starve cycle and if you could be stuck in it! You should listen to your body and eat when you feel toy need to, not restricting and not binging.

Try and make your diet as colourful and as nutritous as possible but be aware of hidden calories within healthy foods too… a large avocado can contain 400 calories, One of them with Halloumi grilled with coconut oil, gluten free pea pasta (pretty much the same calories as normal pasta) with some soya cream and a sprinkling of nuts, swigged down with a Chai Latte could almost be a parmo...of course a parmo is less nutritious and less trendy!

No dig at the Veggies/ Vegans/ Gluten free people there or the parmo lovers. I am totally 100% respectful of peoples diet choice but there is so much wrong information that these foods will help you loose fat!

Also I'm not saying don't pick the more nutritious food, I'm just saying they all have calories so be aware but also realistic, Coming form a diet of takeaways and high fat / sugar convenience foods, its unrealistic to go straight into a totally 'clean' diet, so think about the calorie value of foods when you can to ensure you don't gain an unhealthy amount of excess fat.

Finding healthier lower calorie food alternatives, cooking your fave meals but healthier and trying to bulk up meals with foods that are low calories but fill the plate (high volume foods) are also good ways to feel more satisfied!

If you have any questions or other ideas please comment or drop me a message and I will help you as best I can.

If you really feel like you may have an issue when it comes to food then please don't hesitate to seek help, I am a good listener and I can always point you in the right direction.