Tier 4 Workout

Day 1 Upper More Shoulders

5 Sets 15

Chest Press 3 Sec Negative, 2 sec pause at bottom

Superset with

Press ups Max effort to fatigue

5 Sets 15, 3 Second negative

Shoulder Press DB

4 Sets 15

Arnold Press

Superset with

Seated Lat Raises

Tri Sets 3 sets

15 Front Raise

15 Seated Lat Raises

20 Pec Fly

Day 2 Legs

5 Sets 15

Full Depth Squats, 2 sec pause at bottom

Superset with

Jump Squats

4 Sets 15

Narrow Squats

Superset with

Goblet Squats

2 Sets 20

Static Lunges

Superset with

Alternate Front Lunges

Tri Sets 3 sets

30 Around the world Lunges (15 each side)

15 Wide Leg squat

30 Alt Jump Lunges

Day 3 Upper More Back

5 Sets 15-20


5 Sets 15

1 Arm Row Squeeze at top

Superset with

Dragon Rows

3 Sets 15

Y/I/W Raise

Superset with

Straight arm pullover

Tri Sets 3 sets

15 Up Row

15 Cleans

20 Reverse Back Extensions

Day 4 Glutes

6 Sets 15


Superset with

In out Jumps

200 rest when needed start as heavy as can and drop as needed, dont go lower than you would normally set for 20 reps just take more rest

Hip Thrusts

3 Sets 15

Back Lunges

Superset with

Curtsy Lunges

Tri Sets 3 sets

15 steps Low crab walks weighted same weight as use below

15 KB 2 bench squat

1 Leg weighted step up, each side

Day 5 Upper

4 Rounds

20 Clean Press

20 Barbell Row

20 Push Press

20 Plank Rows

10 sets 10

Lat Raises

3 Sets 15

Hammer Curl

Superset with

Normal Curl

3 Sets 15

Tricep overhead pull

Superset with

Tricep Dips

Day 6 Hams and Glutes

5 Sets 15

Wide Leg Deadlift

Superset with

Low wide leg squat pulses (1 weight at chest)


Donkey kick to fire hydrant each side

3 Sets 15


Superset with

Good Mornings

Tri Sets 3 sets

15 Side Lunges Left

20 Banded abductor pumps Left

15 Side lunges right

20 Banded abductor pumps Right


4 Rounds

1 Minute Plank

30 Second side plank with rotation, each side

20 Second 1 leg one arm high plank, each side

20 High boat to low boat, each boat is one rep