Glutes Activation and Strength at Home
This workout first starts by warming up the glutes and getting them fired up, moves on to a strength component and then some more activation work to finish
Warm up
4 sets 20 each side use loop band if possible
Donkey Kick
Superset with
Fire Hydrant
6 sets, Set 1- 15 Reps, Set 2-10 Reps , Set 3- 8 Reps, Set 4- 8 Reps, Set 5- 10 Reps, Set 5-20 Reps.
(Increase weight as decrease reps, decrease weight as increase reps)
Hip Thrusts
Front foot elevated split squat (each leg)
3 sets 10-12
Landmine Full Squats
3 Sets 15, each leg
Hight box SIDE step up (each side, leave leg on at all times, each leg at a time)
2 sets 20
Reverse back extensions (Lay flat face down on a bench, hips at the end of the bench, lower legs onto the floor and holding on bring legs up)
1 Set 30
Swing Lunges (back lunge swing into front lunge, count to 30 for each leg)