No Equiptment Cardio Workout Take 2
Please do not do this workout is Diastasis Recti is present, you ALSO must be at least 6 months Postpartum.
7 Minute Gradual Warm up and stretch.
30 Seconds 30 Seconds Workout
Half the minute is strength, the other half is cardio
Repeat the below 3 x
Press ups and Punches
Squats and Jump Squats
Plank Shoulder Taps and in plank punch through opposite arm
Lunges and Jump Lunges
Tricep Dips and Overhead Punches
Hip Thrusts and Groiners
10 Minute As Many Rounds As Possible
10 Hand release press ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
10 Jump Squats
5 Minute Gradual Stretch and Cooldown