A Simple 40 Minute Workout
5 Minutes Warm up
5 rounds 10 minute cut off
20 Lunges
10 Hand release press ups (start in high plank, lower to floor, release hands, push back up)
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Sit ups
5 rounds 10 minute cut off
10 Jump Squats
20 Toe taps (High plank, tap toe with alternate arm, shift weight forward and back)
7 Burpees
20 Heel taps (Laying on back, legs bent, feet on the floor, hollow hold your abdominals and tap each toe)
3 rounds 10 minute cut off
10 Groiner (In high plank, wide legs, jump legs in and back out)
10 High Plank kick through (like a mountain climber but kick legs through)
10 In out jumps
10 High Plank taps (on hands, alternative shoulder taps)
10 Starters (Like your in a running starting position, explode up, 5 each leg)
5 Minute Cooldown and Stretch