Surviving the Summer Holidays and The ''Mum Tum'' - Newsletter 19 July 2019

Last day of Term!

Yasss!!!! What we have been looking forward to all year right? Well I'm spending my last morning of child freeness at Social Sweat and then an hour in the Gym before School is out for summer!

However hard the Holidays can be I absolutely love them! The change of routine is hard for us all but getting some quality time with the kids and Dean, stress free and not constantly pushing to get from A to B is just what we need!

So how do you exercise and keep on track in the holidays?

1. Have your Goal in mind and work towards something!

Ive just set my new goal of a half marathon by the end of the summer. I have a training plan in place so I know where I'm at and what I need to fit in. Its realistic to work towards over the summer (4 x Training per week) and its something I can fit in while I'm on holiday too, and cardio = more food!
Next week I will be posting a 12 week Half marathon training plan so if you fancy joining me then check it out!

2. Be the best you can be on the days you can!

There will be meals out, a Mc Donalds here and there and holidays so be bang on (possibly even better) on the days you can be and then on the days you have to make allowances, enjoy it just manage portion control and pick smart. Start September a step ahead this year instead of a negative " I'm Knackered and fat", your words not mine!

3. Be active with the Kids!

I know I always say it but honestly going for a walk each day, running after them or getting out with the buggy adds to your daily activity and it all counts! You may not get far with a toddler but break it up into smaller walks more often!

4. Enjoy it!

Ive been thinking about this lately, are we really going to be 80 years old thinking thank god I dieted and put tons of pressure on myself when the kids were young, will our outcome always be the same, if we find our love for fitness now or when we are in our 50's will we be the same at 80?

See the holidays as making memories, and stay fit and active to make more!

If you need to scale back your lb loss per week to allow for those all important family times then this is the plan, no guilt, just aim to not put on more fat or loose your fitness level. Allow yourself to chill, and exercise because you want to not because you have to!

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

If you need help don’t be afraid to ask! If you have goals you want to achieve over the summer holidays, big or small and i can help then hit reply...Not sure i can help with the childcare but anything else?
And while im on it don’t be afraid to get some time for you in the holidays too, if you need to workout or take some time then make the time! Ive managed to fit it in when i have needed to around the kid and work, its difficult but there is always a way!


So how do you get rid of the ''mum tum'' (your words, not mine) , you have never had it before, its saggy and its making you miserable!

First of all you have never had it before because that baby you have had was grown in it! I mean really think about that...a while ago i read that Pregnancy and Child Birth is the biggest extreme your body could possibly ever endure without death...Its a pretty big deal so just back off yourself a bit!

Secondly, you may not have had it before because its stretched skin! A lot of ladies think its Fat but in actual fact a lot of it is stretched skin!

Now we can rehabilitate the all important ''inner core'', which you should all be doing, and you can tone the area to make it tighter but ultimately you cant choose where you loose fat from. So if it is fat then you just have to keep loosing body fat until you are happy with amount of sit ups or plank will help that! We exercise the core to make it strong not to loose fat!

I am blessed with good genetics when it comes to a flat tummy, but my BIG BUTT is my problem area, and it may be all the rage these days but not for me! And guess never happy with it, even at my lightest i never felt a difference until i looked at pictures! So make sure you keep pictures and monitor your progress because i promise you you will never be happy with yourself otherwise and you will never see the progress, and if others do you probably wouldn't believe them either! When your checking your progress pretend to be someone else looking at someone else's body!

It will take time but it will get there, in the mean time enjoy your kids your body made!!!

Happy Holidays me Lovelies!



What is it?

Contact me HERE , be accountable and lets set a plan for the holidays!

Enjoy your Last day of freedom guys!

Lots of Love

Maricarmen x