10 Minute Simple Glutes and Arms Workout

Short for time but need to do something?

This series of workouts will help strengthen and tone your glutes and arms!

Even if you cant dedicate more time for training , doing what you can do but making it effective is well worth the while.

For this you will need some weights, keeping goof form just ensure you push your muscles to the max…if you cant quite do it up your weights or increase the work time!

Aim for 40-60 Seconds work and go straight into the next exercise, your upper body will rest as your lower works and vice versa.

Move straight from one exercise to the other and try and fit in 4-6 rounds.

Swing Lunges

Seated Lateral Raises

Wide Wall squats (try and get low and hold as long as possible) holding dumbbell

Bicep Curl into Shoulder Press

Donkey Kick to Fire Hydrant , on all 4’s

Tricep Dips

After the workout make sure you don’t collapse on the sofa (not that thats likely with kids) but try and keep moving for the next ten minutes to come to a gradual cooldown…maybe a quick whizz around with the hoover? and then stretch the muscles you used during the workout.

Check out the exercise glossary HERE to learn how to perform the exercises correctly.