Upper Body Weights Workout T1 T2


This is a really good workout to hit your upper body!

Please be sure to reduce the weight you lift by 10% through each trimester and make sure you do not overheat, can hold a sentence whilst exercising, and are well Hydrated.

  • Inclined Chest Press (this must be done on an inclined bench)

  • Press ups

  • Curl to Arnold

  • Y/I Raise (if you rock then do one arm and stabilise yourself)

  • Prone Fly

  • 1 Arm Press

  • Front Raise, slightly to one side

  • Lateral Raise

  • Kickbacks

Beginners, T2- sets 15-20 reps
Intermediate, T1 only- 3 sets 12-15 reps

Follow these four exercises and use the below guide to find the right level for you!

We always encourage a warm up and cool down, check them out HERE.