My Grandads Stew

I’m not sure if its just me or if it really is so easy to make a tasty stew!

I always remember my grandads Store Cupboard having certain staple foods, Tomato Soup, Golden Syrup (for the left over Yorkshires), Corned beef, Ryvita, peanut butter for my sister, Ginger Cake, Kit Kats and OXO cubes.Then there was always Homemade apple sauce, peas pudding, Vitalite and marmalade in the fridge.

Being on prep for a competition has been difficult this time round and the other day mam made me my Grandads stew to warm me up! We would have normally had this served in the recycled Vitalite tubs with some thick white bread.

The Key ingredient is Bisto…another staple in my Grandads cupboard which still comforts me now!

You can use the Vegetables I use or add in your own, whatever leftovers you may have. Its also a really Tasty Veg dish, just maybe add some extra grains in to cover all your amino acids.

Servings: 4


250g Raw Chicken breast, cut into small bits

1 Carrot, Peeled and chopped

1 White Onion, chopped small

1 Leek, sliced

1 Large White Potato, peeled and chopped small

1/2 Small Swede, peeled and chopped small

100g Green beans

1tbsp Bisto

1 Stock Cube

4 Slices White Bread and light Butter


  1. Add all the ingredients in a deep casserole dish

  2. Sprinkle white pepper on and crumble over the stock cube.

  3. Add boiling water, until it comes just to the top of the veg and give it a stir.

  4. Pop it in the oven at 150- 160 for about 45 minutes to an hour.

  5. Once the water has reduced and the veg is softening add the Bisto and stir.

  6. Pop it back in the over until it is a desirable consistency.

  7. Serve with a Slice of thick white bread and Butter.

1 Portion = 1C 1F 1P