At Home Full Body Routine
If your training 2-3 times a week its good to do Full Body, Rest a day then Full body and so on. More than that and we can look at a split routine.
This is a simple at home plan to get you started and confident using gym equiptment.
Use a weight that is comfortable for you, if you are achieving past the rep range try and increase the weight (as long as you keep good form), if you don't meet the reps, drop the weight.
Use the exercise glossary to help you perform the exercises correctly found here.
After each set take 20 – 40 seconds rest, enough rest to achieve the reps in the next set. It is important to ensure you exhale on the effort and ensure correct posture which can be found here. Be sure to tag on your Core rehab after!
3 Sets 20 then up the weight and do 2 Sets 10 for each exercise, then move to the next exercise
Squats ( Weights on Shoulders)
Lying Chest Press/ Press ups
1 Arm bent over row (back should be straight, put one arm on a wall and nestle your head into it to stop you moving)
4 Sets 12-15
Military Shoulder press
Superset with
Straight Leg Deadlift/ RDL Barbell (BB) or Dumbell (DB)
4 Sets 12-15
Seated/ Standing Lateral Raises
Superset with
Curtsy Lunge
4 Sets 12-15
Front Raises DB standing
Superset with
1 Leg Bridge (reps each side)
3 Sets 20ish - Burnout (until you cant do anymore)
Bicep Curl to press
Swing Lunges
Tricep Dips