10 Minutes 5 x Per Week
Be sure to engage your core throughout, if you need more rest take more rest. Use a HIIT timer to time your rest and recovers.
Workout 1
40 Seconds work 10 Seconds rest. For a warm up do 30 burpees but dont jump out just walk out
Alternative 1 Arm Snatch (6-8kg)
Squats weights on shoulders (start 8’s each side build upto 12.5’s each side)
Hand Release Press Ups
Back Lunges, Weights side (start 8’s each side build upto 12.5’s each side)
Strict Shoulder Press (start 3.5’s each side build upto 6-8’s each side)
1 Arm Row Right (start 8’s each side build upto 12.5’s each side)
1 Arm Row Left (start 8’s each side build upto 12.5’s each side)
Low pulse squat, stay in pulse (start 8’s each side build upto 12.5’s each side)
Bicep Curl (start 4.5s each side build upto 6-8’s each side)
Workout 2
40 Seconds work 10 Seconds rest. For a warm up do 15 burpees but dont jump out just walk out, 15 lighter Dead lifts and 15 good mornings
Shoulder Taps in plank
Straight Leg Deadlifts
Floor Chest Press (start 6 ’s each side build upto 10’s each side)
Thrusters (Squat Press) Weights on shoulders weight as day 1
Lateral Raises (use 3.5’s max)
Bent Over Row 2 arm (start 10’s work up when can)
Tricep Dips on chair
Front Raises (use 3.5’s max)
Prone Fly (use 3.5’s max)
Workout 3
40 Seconds work 10 Seconds rest. For a warm up do 30 Squats and 20 walkouts (hands from feet to plank then back)
Swing Lunges Left leg (front back swing into front lunge)
High plank to side plank, then other side
Swing Lunge right leg
Squat with towel pulled apart above head, overhead squat
High Planks, low plank, up dog, down dog back into high plank repeat and keep flowing
Curtsy Lunges alternate weights on shoulders
Squat Press
Workout 4
10 Minutes, set a 10 minute timer and repeat the circuit as many times as possible, rest for 30 seconds after each round
10 Weighted squats, weight on shoulders
10 Clean and press
10 Strict press
10 Clean and press (take weights from floor, to chest then press up)
10 Superman (face down hands by sides, palms facing down, legs tight zipped up then lift up off the floor, hold for a secnd then release, then back up
Set a 10 Minute timer. As you go you add one more rep to each exercise so you start on 1 of each, do all 3 exercises then 2 of each, then 3 and so on…let me know what number you get to!
Burpee (walkout dont jump)
Hand Release Press Ups
Overhead Squats, use a towel and pull it tight then take it overhead the aim is to keep your arms from coming forward as you squat down