Postnatal 2 x Per Week Full Body
Be sure to engage your core throughout, if you need more rest take more rest. Use a HIIT timer to time your rest and recovers.
Workout 1
40 Seconds work 20 Seconds rest. Warm up is 3 Minutes light skipping, stretch legs and upper body standing.
Goblet Squats
Hand Release Press Ups
Back Lunges, Weights side
Strict Shoulder Press
Hip Thrust, one leg lifted switch half way, no weight
1 Arm Row Right
Donkey Kick Right
1 Arm Row Left
Donkey Kick Left
Bicep Curl
Workout 2
40 Seconds work 20 Seconds rest. Warm up is 3 Minutes light skipping, stretch legs and upper body standing.
Deadlifts (10 each side max weight)
Shoulder Taps
Straight Leg Deadlifts
Floor Chest Press
Thrusters (Squat Press)
Donkey Kick Right
Lateral Raises
Bent Over Row 2 arm
Tricep Dips
Front Raises