Back to Basics Low Impact Workout 7
Follow these exercises and use the below guide to find the right level for you!
Make sure you pick a weight where you are challenged but still maintain correct form and technique.
Press Ups
Side Lunge
Bent Over Row, 2 Am or 1 Arm
Front Raise to Up Raise
Tricep Dips
Single Arm Lat Raise
Toe Touch Squats
Novice, low/Med intensity , 20-40 seconds work, 20-40 seconds rest between exercises
Intermediate, Med intensity, 30-50 Seconds work, 10-40 seconds rest between exercises
Aim for 4-8 rounds
Newly Postnatal Ladies I would start on 40 seconds work and 30 seconds using a lighter weight and aim for more rounds if can.
We always encourage a warm up and cool down, check them out HERE.