4/5 Day Split Routine for the Gym

So if the main goal is improving Muscle mass/ toning you want to be training as much as you can with all the rest you need to allow your muscles to recover and grown. Every body shape is different so that means training specific areas to create a better balance.

For those of you PEAR SHAPED then try and work on your upper body more, particularly your shoulders and back to create a more hourglass figure so go for something like- Legs, Back and Chest, Legs and Glutes, Shoulders, Back and Chest.

For the hourglass or those of you who want to get a better, bigger bum and/ or your less curvy then try- Legs and glutes, Back and Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Legs and Glutes.

If you wish to train 5 days simply add another leg day or upper day, just be sure to do it after a rest day or after the opposite body part day.



5 Sets 10,10,15,15,20
Inc Weight DROP LAST SET X 3
Leg Press
Hip Thrusts

3 sets 12

Superset With
BB on back

3 Sets 15,10,20 (Drop Last Set)

Curtsy BB on back
Superset With
Swing Lunges BB on Back

2 Sets 50 (Start heavy and drop as needed)

Hip Adductors

4 x 20

Back extension on ball but legs more bent so feel more in glutes

2 sets 50 20kg DB between legs, no rest
Deep 2 bench squats


3 X 10

Inclined Chest press

5 Sets 10,10,15,15,20 Inc Weight
1 Arm Row

3 Sets 15

Arnold press

Superset With
Neutral Grip Cable Row

3 Sets 15,10,20 (Drop Last Set)

Seated Lat Riases
Superset With
Standing Lat Raise

3 Sets 15,10,20 (Drop Last Set)

Inclined Bench Y/I/T Raise head facing down
Superset With
Press ups ( 1 second pause at bottom to make harder, quicker easier for
higher reps)

3 SETS 50 start heavy drop as needed

Bicep Curl pulley

Superset With
Tricep Pushdown pulley


5 Sets 12 Reps

BB Squats

1 Leg Leg Press

Hip Thrusts

3 Sets 15

leg Ext

Superset With

Sumo Cable Squat

3 Sets 15,10,20 (drop last set)

Cable Kickback

Superset with

Curtsy on smith

3 Sets 15,10,20 (drop last set)


Box/ Bench Side step over, Holding KB

3 Sets 30

Walking Lunges

Around the word lunges holding KB


5 Sets 8-10

Inclined Chest Press

Assisted Pull ups / Eccentric Pull ups

3 Sets 15

Prone Raise (Cable crossover)

Superset with

Front Raise (inclined bench lying down, full range)

3 Sets 15

Military Press

Cable Leaning Lat Raise

5 Sets 10-12

Lat Pull Down

Straight arm Pushdown

2 Sets 12-15

Bicep Concentration

Superset With

Tricep Pushdown

2 Sets 50 Drop Set (Start heavy then drop when needed)

Tr Dips

Seated Lat Raise

BB Overhand curl to press

Back extension on ball