5 Day Split Routine for all Body Types

So if the main goal is improving Muscle mass/ toning you want to be training as much as you can with all the rest you need to allow your muscles to recover and grown. Every body shape is different so that means training specific areas to create a better balance.

For those of you PEAR SHAPED then try and work on your upper body more, particularly your shoulders and back to create a more hourglass figure so go for something like- Legs, Back and Chest, Legs and Glutes, Shoulders, Back and Chest.

For the hourglass or those of you who want to get a better, bigger bum and/ or your less curvy then try- Legs and glutes, Back and Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Legs and Glutes.



4 Sets 10-12 Simple Sets




3 Sets 12-15

Curtsy Squat (each leg)

Superset with

Side Lunges

3 Sets 12-15

Wide Leg Squat

Superset with

Low Box/ curb Squat, light weight but very low

3 Sets, Set 1-10, Set 2 15, Set 3- 20 Reps. Decrease weight as reps increase.


Swing Lunges

1 Leg Hip Bridge

Back and Chest

4 Sets 10-12 Simple Sets

1 Arm Row (each arm)

Chest Press

Up Row

Press ups, eccentric

3 Sets 12-15

Prone Fly/ Bent over fly DB

Superset with

Chest Fly

3 Sets 12-15

Military Press

Superset with

Straight arm Pullover

3 Sets 12-15

Bicep Curl

Tricep Pushdowns


4 Sets 10-12 Simple Sets

Seated lat raise

Front raise

Press seated

3 Sets 12-15

Chest Press/ Press ups

Superset with

2 Arm Bent over row

3 Sets 12-15 Simple Sets

Standing lat raise

Arnold Press

L Raise

Legs and Glutes

4 Sets 10-12 Simple Sets

Hip Thrusts

Wide Leg deadlifts, toes out


Walking Lunges

3 Sets 12-15

Swing lunges (forward, back = 1 rep, each leg)

Superset with

1 Leg Side Kick, reps each leg

3 Sets 20 (start heavy, drop as you need to)

Forward Lunges

Superset with

Side Lunge, Barbell on back if you can

3 Sets 20

Dumbell Swings

1 Leg Deadlift

1 Leg Hip Thrust