Mums Takeover: Lindsays Fitness Journey

My Second #mumstakeover is Lindsay! As she explains I have been working with Lindsay for over three years! Lindsay has always been hardworking but will be the first to tell you that she hasn’t sacrificed her life to achieve her goals, and why should she? With two kids life’s hard enough right? The main thing is she has pretty much got to where she wanted to be! Over time Lindsay has made small changes with big results and I’m happy to say is taking over my Social sweat class while I’m on holiday...this might be a short mums takeover but I’m sure you will be seeing a lot more of Lindsay as she helps others just like her!

An absolute hero who never gives up, Love you Linds...

My name is Lindsay Williamson. I'm a 36 year old mother of two and until recently was pretty overweight. Having been 'the chubby kid', then a very slim teen I thought I suddenly had the metabolism to eat what I wanted - turns out I didn't. Hating waste, I often took home fried food from the fish and chip shop I worked in. At uni, too many drinks and late night takeaways saw my weight rise. I was on and off diets from around this time, sometimes losing but being unable to sustain.

Being only 5ft 1 I ballooned with my first pregnancy and although eventually losing it through diet, slowly gained again before doing the same with my second. But this time was different - I had a friend who had recently qualified as a PT - Maricarmen. I started training 6 weeks after giving birth and am now (almost) where I want to be.

That was over 3 years ago. It hasn't been an overnight success or without some steps backward - I lost my way when Maricarmen was on maternity leave. But I have stuck at it because I have realised that I need to live in a way that I can comfortably do so forever. That is not on a massively calorie restricted diet, I enjoy food too much for that! Neither am I blessed with long limbs and good genes (alas!) So for me it is a healthy balanced diet and excercise. No magic wand, no quick fix solutions.

I became so interested in the health aspect and underlying science behind it all that, with Maricarmen's support, I decided to embark on a new career path! I am now a qualified gym instructor, training to be a PT myself, hoping to help others who lack confidence or feel it is impossible to change their body to do just that. And their mind, because one thing is for sure you never feel worse for doing the workout, the benefits in all aspects of your life are enormous.

So here I am, standing in for Maricarmen whilst she is on holiday! I'm so excited to be a part of social sweat having attended classes for so long. I Hope to see you there!

Lindsay X