Client Profile: Julie
Julie is a mum of one, she heard about me through a another client and wanted to lose weight but didn't know how. She has tried other diets before which did work but she never managed to keep the weight off. Julie is also asthmatic, which was a major boundary for her, obviously her health is my main priority so every element of her training is planned around this.
When I first met Julie she had just started stepping her dog walks up a level into more of a power walk. From day one Julie had a few goals to reach; lose the weight, run (on the beach) and try yoga.
First of all we discussed her current diet and I gave her a flexible diet plan to follow. Although Julie managed to stick to it, after a week she realised macro tracking was a better solution for her. I worked out her macros and she simply started tracking all the food she ate, her exercise didn't change, the daily dog walks were just taken at a faster pace.
Macro tracking The PHBP's Protein Pancakes
With macro tracking, Julie still ate the foods she liked but she structured each meal so they were more balanced. Following recipes I gave her (found in our community) for inspiration, Julie enjoyed nutritious and fulfilling meals with plenty of variety. I remember being out with her running one day (I'll get to that) and she was telling me how she enjoyed a scone with her dad and didn't feel guilty about eating it, she just adjusted the rest of her day and felt really proud she managed her portion control.
Julie is working through her plan nicely, enjoying all the food she normally eats (she's forever eating she tells me, 'no silly 500 calorie days over here'!), power walking the dogs and getting PB's without trying, and each week the scales and key measurements are going down. She's spent some pennies on new clothes that actually fit her and her confidence is rocketing, she also only really sees me (she lives local) once a week/ fortnight to check in, train and chat about her progress (and I'll ask her parenting advice on my crazy boys)!
So one day as we were scheduling the following session I suggested she attempt one of her personal goals: to RUN!
I remember her face being like WHATTTTTTT!!!
So the next session was a great day for it, cool but not windy, we set off by the bottom promenade and started jogging. That day Julie managed 3.5k! We included hills, flat, concrete and mud and she smashed it! What was holding Julie back wasn't that she couldn't run, it was the confidence to do it. Julie soon realised that it's not that difficult (slowly slowly catchy monkey) and with her first attempt she had smashed her personal goal of running!
Julie now runs where she lives, 2 stone lighter and with a beaming face muttering her three dogs names; Rowdy, Reggie and Arthur (that's how I could tell if she still had enough in her to make it to the next lamppost) her progress is phenomenal and her dedication is second to none.
A big hill on her first run
I'm learning she likes to be pushed a little more now, she couldn't quite say Arthur at the end of this!
Julie is currently on one of our postnatal plans, her son Dale is 25 years old. There is no rules on our 'postnatal' packages, you can be 6 weeks postpartum* or your youngest child could be 35. Our plans are tailored to you, your lifestyle and your personal goals so don't think because your children aren't still in nappies that we can't cater for you. This is abut mums, no matter the age or ability!
The images below show Julie when she began her PHBP journey and a much more recent picture of her progress, I'm sure you will agree she looks amazing!
I would personally like to thank Julie for giving her all to the PHBP and making me laugh ALOT! The journey is not over yet and I am excited to see your progress continue! I am forever grateful for getting to work with people with the dedication and drive that you have so thank you for letting me be part of this journey.
If you would like to discuss your personal goals and how they would be approached with a PHBP plan then please get in touch, simply drop me a message here.
Click on the image to see Julies Progress
March 26th - June 29th 2018
I asked Julie to check over this blog before I uploaded it to make sure she was happy for me to go ahead, and she asked me to add a little end note...
"My outlook on diet and exercise has totally changed since Meeting Maricarmen. I had never been in a gym before, never mind lifting weights but my first visit was just so reassuring and Maricarmen made me feel confident.
I now never binge eat but love planning healthy meals for myself and Dale (my son) also enjoying a treat now and then without guilt.
I have also fulfilled three dreams; running, running on a beach and yoga, all of which make me smile.
Who knows what is next on the list.
I just want to say a massive thank you to Maricarmen for believing in me, pushing me past my comfort zone. It is all about working together and being totally committed to what you want to achieve. Thank you."