welcome to your exclusive postnatal members area…
Welcome to the postnatal members area, this is where you can access all of your membership features so have a read of the below information and let’s get started!
You will see that our community area is where it all goes on, with workouts, recipes, health tips and dietary advice all our postnatal members can access this area to start living a healthier lifestyle.
Our silver members will receive an email once their lifestyle information is complete, this will give them access to the Training area. It's here you can find the weekly workouts which will help you progress through the various stages of development. You can also access the Food plan area which is where you will be able to view your food plans, each carefully curated to support your goals.
Our gold members will each receive their personalised plans once they have dialled in with me and we have discussed their current lifestyle and individual goals. For now, you can enjoy the Community area and begin looking at our recipes, exercise demos and various lifestyle and nutrition articles.
For all of our packages and mums, the PHBP Is here to support you and your journey so if you need us please don’t hesitate to contact us HERE with any queries.
You will also find a Feedback area. This is for our silver and gold members to check in with me so I can ensure you are continuing to stay on the right track and offer support and guidance for further development. We'll send you a reminder email to check in so keep an eye out in your inbox, so you don't miss your slot.
The PHBP site is forever growing and so is our community so remember to log in each week and keep an eye out for new recipes, articles and general support from me.
Let's smash those goals one day at a time!
Maricarmen x