Welcome to our trial membership options. Created exclusively for The Baby Show 2018.

This membership lets you experience a sample of our Prenatal, and the Bronze and Silver Postnatal


We currently have a FREE membership trial for our Prenatal and Postnatal Bronze memberships, click on the banner at the top of the page to try it now!



  • In-Depth Diet Plan
    An example Calorie focused diet plan to get you started on balancing your food intake and Macros.

  • In-Depth Fitness Plan
    A Silver Membership example 4 week at home weights Training plan.

  • Flexible Cardio Guidelines

    A guide on how much Cardio to do and how you can fit it around the family

  • Exercise Glossary
    A Step by step guide on how to perform each exercise correctly with illustrations.

  • Access to Members Community Area & Forum
    Expert advice on exercise and nutrition from Maricarmen with community commenting and discussions.

Just £9.99



  • Expert advice and guidance on creating a personalised Health Plan during pregnancy
    Easy to follow guides on your calories, fat, protein and carbohydrate intake to adapt to your own meals and snacks or to follow when creating our delicious recipes.

  • Weekly Workouts
    Continuously updated workouts to ensure you are exercising safely and effectively for you and your baby.

  • Prenatal Exercise Glossary
    A Step by step guide on how to perform each exercise correctly with illustrations and guidance on trimester adaptations.

  • Access to Prenatal Community
    Expert advice and coaching from Maricarmen with community commenting and discussions.

Just £9.99


Once you’ve signed up you will receive a welcome email with next steps! If you don’t receive it immediately take a look in your junk folder in-case it’s made it’s way there.

If you have any questions about our memberships or your current health and fitness journey then feel free to drop me a message here.