These food plans are to help you gather a better understanding of how to create a healthy, balanced diet to help you achieve your goals. You should have received an email advising you on your personalised diet so please click on the appropriate link below. You can find tasty recipes here which will fit in with your food plan or visit here for a guide on how to macro track your daily food intake.
A few rules...
With the food plan you can have black tea and coffee/ herbal teas, you are allowed 100ml a day of skimmed milk/same calories alternative. You can have 50g a day of reduced sugar and salt sauces, use 1 cal spray, maximum 20 sprays a day and you should not cook with any oil unless this is included as your fat choice.
Make sure you mix your foods up and don't stick to the same foods, your diet should be colourful and varied. Although you can mix meals up and put meals together (if you have to) try and stick to eating regular and balanced meals throughout the day as per the plans. Be adventurous! You can use spices, stock, seasoning and small amounts of low calorie condiments like balsamic, soya sauce, fish sauce etc.
Please make sure you are drinking 8 glasses/ 2 litres of water a day.