Kerry is a Reiki healing practitioner and is here to help you reconnect with yourself by offering space for you to escape to, where you can just take a moment to come back to the very heart of who you are.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese spiritual healing technique, re-discovered in the 1870's by Dr. Mikao Usui.
The Japanease word Reiki is actually made up from two. 'Rei' our spiritual consciousness and 'Ki' the life force energy . If we are able to tap into our 'Rei' and become open minded its possible to connect to the 'Ki' activating our life force energy.
Practitioners harness this universal life force energy and channel it through themselves by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that this "universal life force energy" flows to the client through practitioner to help the body heal itself of any imbalances you are suffering from whether it be on a emotional or physical aspect in your life
Reiki can provide relaxation, help calm the mind and body to provide feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
A simple yet powerful technique that is safe. A natural method of self healing that anyone can discover to support quality of life.
The body is made up of many energy lines and at the point where multiple lines cross is where a major Chakra is formed.
These seven key Chakra's are identified each with a different colour and associated with different organs, glands, emotions and elements.
Imagine a line of spinning glowing spheres rotating along the spine. Each with its unique energy centre.
Chakras are seen as a way to create balance in the body and mind. Depending on the reason for a Reiki treatment a practitioner can use the harnessing of energy to work on particular areas of physical discomfort already identified by the client and the correlating Chakra . Or through a treatment can source areas of imbalance focusing energy here.
Having a treatment can simply help sweep through areas where stagnant energy lies allowing a clear pathway for energy to flow more freely and can leave you feeling relaxed, energised, clearer and grounded.
Your Treatment.
From start to finish the treatment will take around an hour. First, we will have an informal chat about your consultation form pulling out any areas in your life, mind or body you feel you may need support with.
I will take you through a very straightforward guided meditation to calm the mind and relax the body. This includes us walking through the Chakra's using visualisation. It just requires you to close your eyes, breath mindfully and participate with the words I am saying to create images in your mind.
Next I will invite you to lay or sit down fully clothed making sure to remove any watches or devices which could interfere with the treatment
I will cover you in a blanket to keep you warm and toasty. Music will be playing softly but only if you are comfortable with it.
Then it's time to close down your eyes and relax completely release any expectations and enjoy your treatment.
The treatment itself requires the placement of my hands either on or hovering above your body at different points. Whatever you are comfortable with. This is your preference. I will keep my hand in one place for a few minutes before moving to the next. Starting at the head moving all the way down to your feet.
This part of the treatment takes around 30 minutes.
At the end I will gently place my hand on your shoulder and let you know the treatment has finished. I will give you a moment so you can take your time to wake up your body. I will invite you to take a comfortable seat and have a glass of water. Then we will have a little chat about how you feel and anything that came up during the treatment but only if you wish to share. It could be a sensation, a twitch, a feeling or simply nothing but a state of relaxation. Always come with an open mind knowing that the energy is still flowing no matter what you feel.
After Care.
After the treatment try to spend the rest of the day relaxing if possible. Try not to do anything to strenuous or stimulating. Perhaps take a bath, a stroll, just a little time for yourself to practice self care and nurture. Try to stay away from alcohol and caffeine to keep the body relaxed.
If anything did come up after the session I advise you to write it down. These may be new or reoccurring thoughts, so just pay attention over the next few days what arrives.
Its possible powerful emotions begin to surface following the session.
Don't worry you are just releasing what you have been holding onto. Its time to surrender and let them go. Again I would advise journal them. This helps to release the feelings in a practical way and help make sense of why.
If you feel you do need to release and let go of any thoughts or feelings sometimes it helps to take a bath or a shower to wash away the energy that no longer serves you.
Take some time to focus on your breath. Breathe deeply in through the nose hold for a moment and slowly breathe out through the mouth and as you do let it go with your breath.
On the other hand you may feel absolutely nothing and no different. That is perfectly normal too. There is no right or wrong. Just try to have an open mind that a treatment is still doing its thing quietly inside.
I will be in contact the next day to see how you are.
Please fill in this form to the best of your ability at least 24 hours before your treatment.
PRivacy Notice: No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent of the client or parent/ Guardian if the client is under 18.
If you have any futher questions please contact me, Kerry on 07973301496 or,
Finding Light Reiki has no affiliations with The PHBP.