First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten
Week Eleven
Week Twelve
Week Thurteen
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Week Sixteen
Week Seventeen
Week Eighteen
Week Nineteen
Week Twenty
Weight Difference from Last Week
Waist (cm)
Hips (cm)
Bum, Widest Part (cm)
Upper Thigh, Left (cm)
Upper Thigh, Right (cm)
Upper Arm, Right (cm)
Upper Arm, Left (cm)
Do you have abdominal separation? Have you checked on the progress of your diastasis recti? If so is there much separation, how many fingers gap?
Are you Breastfeeding? if so how often and how long does each feed last?
How did you get on with your exercise prescription this week, did you hit your daily and weekly goals?
Do you currently have regular periods? If so, how long is your menstrual cycle and what day are you on now?
If you are unsure on exact cycle dates please just give a rough idea.
What Calories or Food Plan are you on?
How did you get on with your dietary prescription this week, did you hit your daily and weekly goals?
Did you eat or drink anything outside of the plan? Please Explain.
How was your exercise this week, did you enjoy it?
How are you feeling about your plan and in yourself, mentally and physically?
Do you have any specific requirements this week?
Do you require a new plan or would you like to make changes to your current plan? Please be honest, likes and dislikes need to be enjoying what your doing!
Will you be sending pictures for feedback?
All images need to be sent direct to
Pictures needed from front, back and side. Arms to be by your side in front and back images. Arms to be stretched out in front for your side images.