Top Tips for successful change
Top tips Small changes lead to long term change and that's the key to success, slowly changing your lifestyle over a period of time will keep the pounds off as you will end up with healthier habits.
So consistency Is key and Being organised and prepared is the recipe for success, here are a few pointers and tips to help you out.
- Have a well stocked fridge full of healthy foods
- Make a weekly meal plan for all meals and snacks
- Making it yourself means you have control over all the ingredients, there are some really good and quick cook books out there now so your not slaving over a hot stove for hours
- Frozen veg and fish and freezing meat means less trips to the shop and is more convenient
- Try and pick healthier snacks too, snacks are a good way to get in your 5 a day and there are so many healthy grab bags you can pick up in the supermarket these days
- Saying your never going to eat cake again is unrealistic and will make you want it even more, remember your goals and manage portion control
- Pack lunch and/ or prepare breakfast the night before
- Invest in a good pan, a copper pan means no need for oil
- Get up half an hour early and do a HIIT
- Prepare and portion up your snacks, a protein shake may be an easy, quick way to keep feeding your muscles throughout the day
- Always have a snack in your gym bag or handbag to wither fuel up, refuel or just avoiding having a slice of cake
- Bulk bake/cook and freeze foods
- Have your snacks or food when the kids eat so you don't pick their left overs
- Fill your cupboards with staple healthy foods so you can always throw something together, healthy grains, tinned veg and fish
- Don't skip meals eat every 2-3 hours
- Don't drink too much caffeine, and stay hydrated with plenty of water.
- Make sure you make enough time for relaxation and rest
- If you have a momentary lapse don't let it snowball enjoy the food and move on
- Eating at regular times will help you as you can make sure you are planned and prepared, remember preparation is key
- Try to avoid over eating, do something else like reading or take a walk
- To resit temptation work out when are bad times and busy yourself or have healthier alternatives
- Shop smart, try not to buy tempting foods.
- Prepare your next meal when you are not hungry (if possible)
- Find a different reward, instead of having a food as a reward let yourself have something else like a ten minute guilt free flick through a magazine or a soak in the bath or even treat yourself to something new or book a massage
Don't try and change everything at once, its not realistic and you could fail before you have begun. Life is for living, don't put so much pressure on yourself and take one step at a time!